DMTV2 is a collection of experimental and psychedelic animation from around the world. The emphasis is on non-commercial work; we seek pure vision. Some of the films push visual noise and glitch to the limit
while others reach a peak of ambient degaussed bliss. Highlights include David O’Reilly’s latest award winning film, The External World, and new films from James Mercer and Yoshi Sodeoka. We are also pleased to collaborate with artists like Alexandra Gorczynski, Duncan Malashock and local artist Brenna Murphy for the first time. Opening act, Goodnight Billygoat, is a live music duo that performs in front of a projected backdrop of  their gorgeous stop motion animation.

DMTV2 trailer – 11/21 Hollywood Theater from Floating World Comics on Vimeo.

The Floating World Festival will take place at the Hollywood Theater on Monday, Nov. 21 at 7:30 pm. Tickets will be available for $7.