Summery Greetings!
Last month we went to a weeklong handmade film camp on Orcas Island
and you’re invited to our screening of the results –
7pm Thursday, August 16
@ Northern
414 1/2 Legion Way
downtown Olympia, WA
Northern Flickers presents
Orcas Island Handmade Film Camp Show & Tell
Ruth Hayes & Devon Damonte
a report from the archipelago
It’s a free show, and runs until 8:15 or so. We’ll screen 16mm experiments in homemade emulsion, Bolex filmmaking, and bucket hand processing, including some movies processed in coffee developer and car battery acid! There’s also a bunch of cameraless photogram experiments to show both in motion and the original filmstrips on lightboxes, plus some digital photos to document the experience. Don’t miss Ruth’s animated crab, and Devon’s “Sea Horse Returns!”
Hope you can join us!
– Devon Damonte & Ruth Hayes